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Database of our prices and limits

LOOT.Farm service allows you to check our full database of CS 2, DOTA 2, Team Fortress 2, RUST items, including items on hold and limits on the maximum number of items that the service can accept.

All prices are set based on our internal algorithms and are specific to the LOOT.Farm service.
These prices are used when you acquire items from us. LOOT.Farm service has fixed fees, and we will accept items at a price lower by our fee, which is 3-5% based on your subscription level.

If a game has a trade lock, the prices are for items with the lock. Items without a lock will have a 3% higher price.

▾ For developers ▾

You can retrieve the full list in JSON format using the following links (updated every minute):

  • CSGO: https://loot.farm/fullprice.json
  • DOTA 2: https://loot.farm/fullpriceDOTA.json
  • TF 2: https://loot.farm/fullpriceTF2.json
  • RUST: https://loot.farm/fullpriceRUST.json

You can also download a CSV file (compatible with Excel) using the following links:

  • CSGO: https://loot.farm/fullprice.csv
  • DOTA 2: https://loot.farm/fullpriceDOTA.csv
  • TF 2: https://loot.farm/fullpriceTF2.csv
  • RUST: https://loot.farm/fullpriceRUST.csv

If you want to create a direct link to a specific skin from your website, you can use the following link format:
https://loot.farm/#skin=[SteamGameID]_[MarketName]. For example:

It is also possible to link specific Steam item IDs. In this case, use the following format:
https://loot.farm/#itemIDs=[SteamGameID]_[comma-separated SteamIDs]. For example:

CS 2